mpc audio renderer

I have more then one audio device. When I select an other output device and apply settings there is nothing change, however if I restart the mpc it is working ...

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MPC BE is a user-friendly media player for the Windows platform, which supports numerous video and audio formats, thereby allowing you to play almost any file you want without any problems whatsoever....

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  • You need to recreate DirectShow graph in order to use selected audio renderer. Simply reop...
    #3653 (Audio renderer does not change output device) – Media ...
  • Configure MPC-HC to use reclock as the audio renderer by going to options, output and sele...
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  • ASIO Renderer is a Directshow audio renderer that will use ASIO for output. It uses ASIO t...
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  • +fixed incompatibility with multi channel audio +bugs fixed. ASIO Renderer is a Directshow...
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  • Moving forward, you should not have to mess around with these settings, the only thing lef...
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  • In MPC-HC -> Options -> Playback -> Output -> Audio Renderer there is a list w...
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  • Hi all, I recently got an Asus Xonar D2X sound card and since then I've come across a ...
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  • I'm running windows 10 and have MPC-HC.1.7.11.x64 installed. I can't scroll down, ...
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  • 2015年9月4日 - 一定要用MPC-HC 的話請更新到nightly build output 那邊有"In...
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  • 就是在MPC選項中[播放/輸出](Play/Output)頁面最下方的Audio Renderer("音訊譜製器")選單MPC-HC版本: 1.3.1752.0...
    [請問] MPC的Audio Renderer設定問題- 看板AVEncode - 批踢踢實業坊
  • 2013年1月1日 - 音訊"底下選擇MPC Audio Renderer輸出的話可使用WASAPI獨佔模式輸出,WASAPI有較低的延遲,可得到較好的音質輸出,但是播...
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